
I write poems sometimes. Here are a few.

Untitled Haiku

Asphalt, black and hard
Tenacious blade of grass breaks

flake by flake it falls
in cold, dead silence, piling
the roof collapses

corner spider weaves
in musty, yeasty cellar
a barrel's cork pops

Untitled poem 18 July 2022

Seeing they do not perceive,
Hearing they do not understand,
Who will leave and take the man
  (who will bruise the snake again)
and who will undertake the task
of sacred oaths, secret crypts?
O heaven, make of dew our coats!
We dive therefore into the well,
The deeper hell.
Our roots will grow,
Through salt and blood;
Lord knows what else...
Who can tell?
None! without perceiving;
Less who hear confused;
The world ever receding--
The snow of heaven melting,
Giving tears of salt and blood,
Puts out the useless fire,
And damns the adder's brood.

Little fly 21 august 2023

O little fly, walk gently;
Tread gently where you go.
Your little friend you stand upon
Did not tread gently so...

The bowl of sour wine
Whose fragrance drew you nigh
Drew also near your little friend
Who now also keeps you dry.

But be careful, lest the raft of love
Might totter, roll, or sink,
For then the fly that comes behind you
Would use you to place his feet.